Orders to North America, South America & Australia ship from our warehouse in Vancouver, Canada.
Orders to Europe & the rest of the world ship from our warehouse in London, UK.
**Please note that due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, fulfillment & shipping delays may occur. We appreciate your patience during this time.**
All orders are usually dispatched directly from our warehouses in Canada & the UK within 24 hours or less.
USA & Canadian orders are usually delivered within 3-5 business days after you receive shipment confirmation.
UK orders are usually delivered within 2-3 business days after you receive shipment confirmation.
EU orders are usually delivered within 3-5 business days after you receive shipment confirmation.
Orders to the rest of the world are usually delivered within 5-7 business days after you receive shipment confirmation.
USA, CA & UK orders are not subject to taxes or import duties.
EU duties and VAT are prepaid at the checkout. You will not have to pay any additional fees upon delivery.
If you choose to refuse the customs fee and the parcel is returned back to The Beard Struggle, a shipping & handling fee may be deducted from your refund.
If you're still unsure on whether you'll be subject to customs fees, we'd recommend contacting your local customs office for more information before placing your order.
Do I Have to Pay Customs or Import Fees?
⚔️ USA Customers – Temporary 25% Tariffs
Due to new tariffs, costs have increased. We’re covering it with 25% OFF while we explore manufacturing and warehousing in the USA to keep prices low.
⚔️ Canada & UK Customers
No customs or import fees—your orders are duty-free.
⚔️ EU Orders
Duties and VAT are prepaid at checkout, so there are no extra charges on delivery.
⚔️ Refusing Customs Fees
If you refuse customs fees and your package is returned, a shipping & handling fee may be deducted from your refund.
For more details, check with your local customs office before ordering.
After placing your order, you will receive an email from The Beard Struggle. In this email will be both an order number and tracking number. If you follow the link attached, you will be able to see where your shipment currently is.
As advertised, if you are not happy with your product you may return your products within 90 days for a full money back!
We're sorry to hear you have received a faulty item! Please reach out to us and send the following info:
Don't worry about sending your faulty item back to us yet. Keep hold of it until you've been in touch.
We're sorry to hear your order was damaged upon delivery. Please reach out to our Customer Support team and they will assist you.