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Author: Fran O'Reilly

Published at: Oct 11, 2016

It's no secret that here at 'The Beard Struggle' we rather like our beards. 'Like' probably being a rather tame word to describe, so let me rephrase...We LOVE them! Sometimes beard disasters happen, be it in the form of a bad trim, a dying disaster or rocking the hobo look these things can happen. Today, I wanted to look at some of the causes as to why perfectly good beards sometimes go bad. Very bad.


Of course we highly encourage you to sport your marvelous beard and proudly so! But allowing your beard to run away with itself can often prove fruitless as you'll soon have a wild and crazy face full of fuzz that looks like you've just woken up from a hibernation slumber. The key here is to take jolly good care of your facial forest, because without a little due TLC along the way you might reach certain levels of your beard growing game that you'd rather not want to.


Throughout my beard blogs you'll often find me forever stressing the importance of using beard oils and balms. And there is a very valuable reason for me choosing to do so. As without opting into using such products your beard will soon grow out a wispy, dried out brittle mess (and that's putting it politely!) Your beard requires a certain level of moisture to continue growing at its prime, and without it you'll soon discover your facial gruff begin to look and feel somewhat thinner and much weaker too. Locking in all the goodness by using our 'TBS' beard oils and tonic balms (browse all products) will continue to help your beard-mane look at it's optimal best. So whatever you do, don't skip a little much needed TLC when it comes to your beard care.


Another beginners mistake that I often see happening is when a new bearded fellow first begins to grow out his beard he decides that a little tidy up is necessary and in doing so makes several mistakes when reaching for the scissors. This often comes into play when the beholder feels a little out of his depth and begins to feel somewhat scruffy and unkempt due to the new feeling of having a stubbly itchy beard. Believe me, we have all been there in the earlier stages. But the key here is allow enough time for that beard to fill out and take shape before you even consider that a little tidy up is on the cards. You might feel a tad untidy in comparison to your former clean shaven self, but truth be told you certainly don't look it. (despite what you lovely Mrs might say!) The longer you can leave your facial hair to grow the better I say! As then when it does come time for a little tidy up trim it will be a much easier task to do so.


This might seem like a huge back-leap from me, but it's also rather important not to overuse your beard comb, oils and balms. Now, It is of course still very important to use such products and items, but in moderation . As if you overuse such items you'll soon begin to know about it. Beard oils should not feel overly oily or leave a tacky substance within your beard. They should however leave your facial forest feeling soft, light and slightly moist. (moist, always sounds like a filthy word, no matter how much I read it!) Some products currently found on the market today can leave your beard feeling a little sticky, and if this is happening to you, you're either using a poor quality oil or you are using a tad too much of it. Over-combing is usually a touchy subject when speaking to any bearded fellow and within the beard blog. But I stick by my believe that you can indeed over-comb your beard, which without meaningly doing so will cause a higher number of split ends and beard hair loss caused by unnecessary snagging. Using the right comb is also key, and I advise you choose a wide toothed comb, which can be found on our exclusive online store.

Well, that sees another beard blog come to a close for today folks! As always if you have any thoughts or questions please feel free to leave them in the comments section provided below! Have a beardy related subject you'd like to see featured in our blog? Let us know!

And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...
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