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Author: The Beard Struggle

Published at: Jul 23, 2021

Firstly, many thanks to everyone who took a moment to comment on yesterday's beard blog. Your kind words and support mean so much to us here at 'The Beard Struggle'. All of your suggestions have been read and noted as I promise to cover your topics in our future beard blog posts. Today we're going to focus on a suggestion from one of our Brothers, Juan De Beer (Epic username BTW!) who wanted to know about beard hair loss and what can be done to help prevent this from happening...

Firstly, losing the odd beard hair every now and then is extremely common. After combing through your beard you're likely to see a small collection of fallen facial hairs which is totally fine, but if you're losing them in clumps at an alarming rate you might need to take a little extra TLC on looking after that glorious beard-mane of yours to prevent such problems from continuously happening. First and foremost there are many reasons as to why we lose our hair, be it facial or the hair on your head. One of the most common causes being stress. This might seem a little far fetched but it's very much true. Just like the hair on your head your beard is susceptible to the effects of high levels of stress. So, if you're experiencing higher than usual levels of stress and/or anxiety try to take a moment for yourself to relax. I appreciate that can be an easier said than done task in the busy world in which we live. But leading a happy lifestyle has a ton of benefits to you and your wellbeing.

When you take the time aside to comb/brush your beard you might occasionally notice your comb snagging on knotted areas within the beard which can pull loose your facial hairs. This requires a little extra TLC when it comes to brushing though any troublesome spots you might discover. The biggest mistake people tend to make is to continue to ppull forward directly through these tricky areas. The better thing to do would be to remove the comb and gently start combing back through your beard until any tangles start to work themselves out. If you decide to pull your comb/brush though these areas you'll most certainly cause much higher levels of damage to your beard, which will in turn cause more hairs to fall. So, be sure to take things much slower from now on mister!

If your beard begins to look thin, wispy, dry and damaged it's time to apply some good quality beard oils and/or tonics. I can't stress enough the importance of using such products, as without doing so your beard will soon become dry, brittle and weak which overtime can leave long lasting damage to your beards overall well being. This will inevitably lead to higher levels of split ends, or even worse broken beard hairs which often appear rather ugly on the eye and to the touch. When you apply our 'TBS' tonics and balms you'll instantly begin to notice the difference. Your beard will start to feel fuller and project a much healthier beard, taking your beard growing game to the next level. All of our products are made in small quantities from the finest natural ingredients granting you an optimal beard that your friends can't help but admire. Now, I'm not here to try and sell ice to the eskimos, but I highly recommend our range of 'TBS' premium beard care products. So if you haven't done so already then be sure to check out our exclusive online store for all your bearding needs.

So, that sees another beard blog come to a sweet end for today my Brothers. As always please let us have your thoughts and suggestions for future blog posts in the comments section kindly provided below.

And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...
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