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What to Use When Growing a Beard – The What and the When of Beard Care

Author: Jonathan Adcox

Published at: Dec 08, 2018

Do you know if you are using your products correctly? how about if you are using the product you should be using to tame that Man-mane of yours? We here at The Beard Struggle have recently been being asked, a lot, what each product is for and when to use them. As such, we have put together a list of WHAT each item IS and WHEN to USE them.

When to Use Beard Balm

Beard Balm

  • Condition
  • Control

What is it: The oils are used to help treat BEARD ITCH and the FLAKEY SKIN underneath your beard, along with working as DEEP CONDITIONING agents, making the beard softer and healthier. The Beeswax is used to provide SCULPTING CONTROL, allowing your beard to be more manageable. Thus, assisting in your beard having a kempt appearance. The balm, because of its higher viscosity, sits on your beard and skin longer than beard oil before absorbing, which gives you more nourishment and longer-lasting moisture.

When to use it: You should be using Beard balm IMMEDIATELY, this will help to condition the skin and hair to have a healthy foundation.

When to Use Beard Oil

Beard Oil

  • Moisturize
  • Nourish

What is it: Beard oil is used to MOISTURIZE, SOFTEN, and TAME the beard hairs and follicles. Additionally, Beard Oil is used to nourish the skin beneath. Beard oil is HYDRATING to the skin and Beard oil is RECOMMENDED FOR ALL BEARDS, but especially in early stages of beard growth. Its moisturizing factors help treat beard dandruff and flaking, and also calm down the itchy phase of newer and younger beards.

When to use it: If you have a beard, you should have been using it YESTERDAY. The amount of oil to use is based on how much hair you have and how dry it gets.

When to Use Beard Wash and Conditioner

Beard Shampoo

  • Clean
  • Control

What is it: Beard shampoo is a COMPLIMENT to the regular morning routine, as well as, your daily beard care routine. Unlike normal shampoos you use for your hair, beard shampoo effectively gets your beard clean without stripping out all the natural oils. The role of a beard-specific shampoo is to wash away dirt and excess oils. Ultimately, beard shampoos will manage rather than eliminate the oils that moisturize your beard.

When to use it: if your beard is 0.5 inches or longer.

Beard Conditioner

  • Condition
  • Nourish

What is it: As with Beard shampoo, beard conditioner is a COMPLIMENT to the regular morning routine, as well as, your daily beard care routine. Beard hair is generally much coarser and drier than head hair. As such, it requires more oils to provide a DEEP CONDITIONING. Additionally, beard conditioner is all natural, better for the skin on your face, and lacks the sulfates that hair conditioners have. Shampoos are meant to open the cuticle of the hair (scales), conditioners are meant to close back up the cuticles, allowing NUTRIENTS to be trapped in and pollutants out.

When to use it: if your beard is 0.5 inches or longer. To avoid static and to reduce split ends.

Have more questions? We would love to hear from you. Call us at +1 (800) 413-2936, Message us on Facebook Messenger at m.me/thebeardstruggle or just email us at thebeardstruggle@thebeardstruggle.com Hope you enjoyed the article. Follow, like or comment us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Until next time, Beard on, Beard Strugglers and Merry Beard-mas!
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