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Author: Fran O'Reilly

Published at: Jun 29, 2018

Good day and happy Friday my bearded friends and fuzzy-faced admirers, and who is ready for the weekend to commence?

Whilst doing my usual 'beard story hunt' through the power of the internet I discovered a rather interesting post of which I thought I would share with you all.

In the 1900s A gentleman known as Hans Langseth who worked a farmer from North Dakota, U.S. Not only was he a well-established farmer, he also held the record for the longest beard known to man.

Measuring in at a staggering length of 17 feet 6 inches long it is almost impossible to comprehend just how much of a majestic long flowing beard it must have been to witness in person, and now you can, well sort of...

Records report that Langseth's family spoke on his final wishes right before he sadly died in 1920, where he shared of his wishes to have his beard carefully shaved and placed away and safely for others to enjoy.

Now, some 40 years later the Langseth family have kindly donated Hans' beard to the National Museum of Natural History in Washington. And judging from the footage shown it seems to be a real head turner. If not a little creepy, if we are to be totally honest.

At first glimpse, the remains of my Langseth's beard looks true of its age, and officials have also stated that there are even food crumbs and tatters which still remain hidden away within the beard. Yep, that doesn't sound all too appetizing at all, and I sure hope you're not eating, but nevertheless, people certainly turned out to check out the spectacle in all its crumby glory.

Neatly controlled with small white bows you could easily mistake the facial fur as a row of rotten butchers sausages or even worse something similar to a furball that a large cat accidentally threw up, as there is no way of escaping that it does look rather grotesque and a little offputting, and dare I say smelly?

It is expected that the facial matter may even go 'on tour' with numerous like-minded museums showing an interest in displaying the item to the masses. But I'm not sure what'll come of this magnificent piece of history when all is said and done. But one thing I do know for sure is that could sure use some much needed TLC with TBS beard oils and balms.

But what do you all think of this story? Feeling a little grossed out I presume? I'm not sure what to make of it all if I'm honest, But it is rather strange I'm sure that much we can all agree. But rather marvelous in its own right? As always let us know your thoughts and comments below in the comments section provided

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And until next Brothers...

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