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Author: Fran O'Reilly
Published at: Oct 07, 2016
Just like all of our beard product range, we pride ourselves in creating nothing but the finest oils, balms, shampoos and conditioners by using nothing but the best ingredients to help further protect your beard on a day to day basis.
Our oils are smartly hand crafted to produce only the premium quality beard oil that our customers have come to expect from us. Unlike many other beard oils our range tonics quickly absorb into your beard giving you a soft touchable beard that will last throughout the entire working day. Some beard oils tend to leave an oily residue on anything that it comes into contact with, whereas our 'TBS' range reacts very differently.
Once our tonics come into contact with your facial hair regardless of it's length, your beard will instantly begin to absorb the essential oils that it needs to continue to grow strong and long. Not only does your beard game improve from our product, but the skin hidden beneath your beard will also benefit from the oil taking what it needs to stay healthy. Clearing up any troublesome areas where spots or blemishes might begin to form, including dry skin which left untreated often results into rather ugly 'beard-ruff.'
Using the night tonic will further eliminate beard dryness throughout the night when asleep.
Speaking from personal experience I can highly rate our 'TBS' Night Elixir & Day Tonics. I've noticed unlike many other respected oils readily available online this product doesn't leave unnecessary oil residue on your hands which can often be a tricky task to wash off. These oils leave my beard much softer than before, and also adds a real nice depth of shine to my beards overall appearance. Being a ginger bearded fellow this certainly adds another level to my beard game.
It's one thing reading my compliments in my blog, but it you're feeling a little unsure then please head over to our exclusive online store where you'll find hundreds of satisfied customers positive feedback. where all of today's mentioned range can be found.
That wraps things up for today's beard blog post. As always let us have your thoughts, comments and questions in the box that you'll find provided below.