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Author: Fran O'Reilly

Published at: Oct 29, 2018

Hello and good day to every man, woman, or child who might be taking the time to read the TBS blog this fine and wonderful day.

Usually, our pages are stacked with beardy knowledge and tricks on how to flourish our the most marvelous manly face forest known to man. But today I would like to talk in a slightly different tone and direction as we discuss men's mental health in today's topic, which is titled - Shaking The Stigma, And Talking Openly About Mens Mental Health...

I know this can be a sketchy subject that many fellows would otherwise prefer to avoid through fear of it showing a sign of weakness or not being considered overly 'manly', but this is a huge topic that fully needs our undivided attention globally.

Mental health can affect anyone of us at any given time, with little to no reasoning with as to why. And shaking the stigma attached to men's mental health is key to better improve the given crisis we are facing in male suicide rates around the world.

Many men choose to suffer in silence and never seek help, usually through fear on how others will view them for it. and this really should not be how it is.

In society men are expected to be ''fearless'' and ''protective'' and of course ''tough''. And whilst many of us are, but even the toughest sometimes need a shoulder or a sympathetic ear to listen.

Please, know that you are in no way, shape or form considered weak for talking out and seeing some help to better your current situation. Don't ever sit on an issue that might grow into something much more, always confide in your closes friends or family, seek resolve and happiness whenever possible.

It is also important to recognize and pay closer attention to the warning signs, such as loss of enthusiasm, changes in your mood, shorter than usual tempered and loss of social interactions, as these are just a few of the points you might meet that could see you slowly slipping.

It is estimated that around a staggering 78% of suicides are committed by men, with suicide being the biggest cause of death for men under the age of 35 in the United Kingdom alone.

It is believed that around 13% of males in the UK are suffering from one of the more common mental health disorders, many of which are yet to be officially diagnosed.

It is a little-known fact that many males won't visit their GP when they are sick, and of course, this follows through into those who might be suffering in silence with depression and other mental health issues, which in turn means lots of males suffer from such actions, usually caused by their own choices.

At the bottom of this blog you will find a video I recorded a little over a week ago, I was feeling rather low with the recent hand I had been dealt with in my life, and instead of hiding away from the world, which in all honesty I did for a short while, I decided to sit in front of a camera and talk unscripted to my followers on the web.

I want you to know it is ok to NOT be ok. And If you are feeling a little-lost reach out to those around you, as you my friend, are worth more than you might realize.

As always let us have your thoughts in the comments section you'll spot provided below.

Do you use social media? Then why not reach out to us and get in touch! You'll find us on Facebook, we're often tweetin' away on Twitter, and posting fresh beard related content and competitions over on our Instagram page!

And until next time, beard on Brothers...

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