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Author: Fran O'Reilly

Published at: Dec 02, 2016

If you are anything like me, you might find yourself relying on Google for solutions or advice for many a questions you might have floating around your mind. And when it comes to beards you'll find hundreds of 'easy to follow' guides, techniques and personal advice on how to correctly care for your furry face. Truth be told, nobody is wrong or right all of the time on these subjects. What might work great for one mans beard might prove fruitless for another. Here at 'The Beard Struggle' we prefer to continuously provide sound advice that has been tried and tested by the beardy kind, so today is no different! Here's a few pointers to help make your beard care routine that little bit easier all round....


To help keep your beard looking in fine shape it's important to keep on top of those cheek lines when grooming. Doing so will grant a neater defined beard and minimise the chances of things looking a tad scruffier than intended. It's a simple task that should only take a matter of a minute or so given you're using the correct tools. If you're unsure then visit your local trusted beard barber who can show you he ropes on how it's done.


One of the most misguided tips I often read about and strongly disagree with is 'trimming your neck will provide you with a visually defined sharper jaw line.' I honestly feel once your beard reaches a certain length trimming your neck area becomes a huge waste of your time, as it does not overly enhance the beards appearance, if anything it might even make your furry face appear a little thinner in areas if done incorrectly. So if your neckline is now out of sight thanks to your marvelous ever growing beard, I wouldn't stress about trimming that area anymore.


Some folks hold the misconception that a man who owns a beard simply becomes lazy and unkempt in comparison to a clean shaven fellow, totally has hold of the wrong end of the truthful stick. If anything a man who sports his furry chops loudly and proudly will take the most pride in caring for his beard. It is real important to use the right tools when it comes to caring for your facial forest. Using a trusty comb and a handy helping of a premium beard oil and/or balm (much like ours! *Wink* Wink*) will prove hugely beneficial for both you and your beard. As combing though any knots and tangles not only helps work out those troubled spots, but also helps train your beard to sit and grow in the direction you wish it to be. And I'll not bore you (again) with the benefits of using our 'TBS' beard oils and balms, but instead simply direct you to my previous blog post instead.


You might read the above header and question what I mean by this. I find as beards continue to grow in globally in popularity, so does the demand to sport the 'perfect beard'. Which on paper sounds rather harmless, yet if we're completely honest rather impossible as well. It's ok for your beard to be a little wild around the edges, after all beards are a symbol of ones 'manliness' and 'masculinity'. So having it looking perfect is not all that important. More men are now reaching for the beard dye when they discover the odd grey or white hair sprouting though their once evenly balanced coloured beard. Me? I'd personally never choose to dye my beard regardless on what colour it became. If I woke tomorrow morning looking like an extra wizard from 'Lord Of The Rings' I would simply rock the sh*t out of it. Remember, no two beards are quite the same, nor should they be! So rock with it proudly I say, Brother!

Well, that wraps things up for today my furry faced friends and beardy admirers! As always please feel free to ask any questions and leave us your feedback in the comments section you'll find provided below this post.

And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...
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