Many beardsmen discover certain bumps in the road and minor obstacles when it comes to growing out our facial hair for the first time, one of these being patchy thinning areas within our facial hair.
These can be rather frustrating to say the least but thankfully not all is lost, as there are a few tricks of the trade that you can begin to practice that might just help fill out those troublesome areas.
So, let us begin with today's blog - How You Can Best Work Out A Patchy Thin Beard...

First things first, how long have you been growing our your facial hair for? If it has not been all that long you might just have to sit tight, be patient and let it grow.
More often than not we are just a little too eager to get things growing along nicely to the point that we can expect too much too soon from our face gruff.
I suggest a solid 2-3 months worth of growth should be given before you should raise too much concern to how patchy or thin your beard is growing. Even then there is no harm in waiting that little bit longer for the results you are chasing to form, always using a little touch of 'TBS' beard balm has never hurt nobody either.
If you are new to the face fuzz growing game you may feel a little scruffy and discomfort in the earlier stages of growing out your fuzz. But do not be tempted to trim or tidy your facial hair too soon, as the chances are you will not find the results you are chasing in doing so.
If anything you will only be more likely to make more mistakes and those troubled patches will not blend or look any better for it. So, put down that beard trimmer and step away slowly.
The internet is booming with 'beard boosting' pills, magical lotions and supplements, many of which probably will not grant you the result you are searching for, other than costing you a small fortune in the process.
Instead of taking a lucky dip gamble on such products why not source out naturally found vitamins that are proven to help your hair grow?
Biotin is naturally sourced in many of our foods, from eggs, to brown rice to name a few. You can also purchase biotin supplements online fairly cheaply which will boost your growing game at a sensible price, as well as help your finger and toe nails to grow faster if that is you kinda gig, I mean who am I to judge, right?
So, that sees today's blog come to a close. If you have any furry faced related questions you would like to ask please do so in the comments section below, or if you have a given related subject you would like to see discussed in a future blog let us have that also.
And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...