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Author: Fran O'Reilly
Published at: Mar 07, 2017
In recent years beards have become my most Googled topic on the internet. Yes, even more than funny cat videos, endless memes, quirky gifs to fit the occassion and adult naughties.
I'm not entirely sure if this shows that I am actually growing up for once, or maybe my slight obsession with mens furry faces has almost become enough of an issue for me to seek help in the form of rehab or something of a similar value, neither of which is rather pretty.
So, today I wanted to share my knowledge with you as I bring to you 'Four Easy To Follow Do's And Don'ts When It Comes To Beards'...
It's an old (and false) tale that in order to grow out the perfect beard all you have to do is exactly that, let it grow. Now, whilst time and patience are both a huge factor of growing out your face fuzz, it isn't the be all.
As if you simply allow your beard to grow to it's own devices, you'll end up looking like 'Hobo Joe' in the not so distant future. And that's a look I'm sure none of us are really chasing.
The key element to growing a naturally flawless beard is to take good care of your face whiskers from the very beginning. It is never too soon to start practicing a healthy day-to-day grooming routine.
Then once you've found a solid routine that works great for you, you've got to stick with it, each and every day. I know after a busy week at work it's easy to to have a 'lazy day' where we like to 'chillax' and unwind. But it's real important to take a little time aside to look after your beard, which should only take you just a couple of minutes to master.
Trust me, your beards overall success will benefit heaps and bounds from you doing so. Treat yourself to a premium beard oil and balm, much like our 'TBS' range, and let the results speak for themselves.
Throughout life, we often meet folks we just don't see eye to eye with. Maybe it's the class clown at University, or that goofball in the office. Sadly, we all know 'that one tool'.
More often than not, you'll also bump heads with people that disapprove of your beard for some strange reason or another. But it is important to not let these opinions taint your outlook on life, and certainly not effect your decision to grow out your beard. Afterall, it's 100% your call if you choose to grow some face fuzz or not, nobody else's but yours.