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Author: Fran O'Reilly

Published at: Sep 06, 2017

WHAT THE DUCK IS THAT?? I hear you ask! at first glimpse you might think it's a fan photo. Well, that my friends is what fan favourite Duck Dynasty star; Jase Robertson looks like WITHOUT HIS MAGICAL BEARD AND LONG HAIR!

I know, that can't be the same guy, right? for a start he looks at least 10 years younger, granted, but boy! is that one heck of a transformation or what! Thankfully he hasn't stuck up his middle finger to the bearded life for good, well we sure hope not, but instead did the ballsy courageous task of having the beardless makeover to help raise funds for charity.

Jase, who in my opinion had by far one of most dapper looking beards on the entire show, was hoping to raise a staggering $100,000 for the Mia Moo Foundation, a worldwide foundation dedicated towards raising awareness of the cleft lip and palate. If the amount was met in full, Robertson said he would shave away his majestic man mane for the cause at hand.

Although the fundraiser fell a little short of its first initial target, raising just $35,000, Jase, being the trooper that he is decided to throw caution to the wind and brave the shave.

Duck Dynasty first burst onto our television screens back in 2012, with the newfound reality show portraying the lives of the rather likeable Robinson family who discovered success through their family operated business. Since first releasing the show has since gone global and has an army of loyal fans from every corner of the globe, many of which voiced their thoughts and opinions over the new beardless Jase Robertson's appearance.

Throughout the shave Jase shared time lapsed photos of his transformation in the making, as well a live streaming video of his big reveal to his family and friends over on the 'Duck Dynasty' official Facebook page.

I have gotta be honest, I am still in a little shock after seeing Jase' new look. He is pretty unrecognisable and would certainly look a little out of place amongst his fellow family and case members on the hit show. Will we see his marvel of a beard return? we can only hope so!

So, what do you guys think? Do you prefer Jase Robertson with or without his beard? Would you like to see others from the TV hit follow suit and brave the shave, all in the name of charity, of course. As always be sure to let us know your thoughts and feedback in the comments section provided below.

And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...
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