Author: The Beard Struggle
Published at: Jul 23, 2021
Hello and a fine day to all, as we welcome you to today's beard blog, that looks set to be equally as entertaining as the last.
As we unfold the pages of today's blog topic we are going to debug some of the typical stereotypes that surround us, the bearded, on the ope of setting the record straight moving on forward.
So without any further delay, let us begin with today's topic at hand, titled - Bearded Stereotypes That Simply Aren't True...
Although I recently discussed this topic in a previous blog, I thought it would be of relevance to mention this in today's post as well, seeing as the 'poop beard' story seems to pop up most often in comparison to others.
But in truth, beards have been known to contain both good and bad bacteria, some of which could make you sick, some of which actually serves a purpose.
But the whole poop particles found in beards came around when a Mexican radio station decided to conduct a study, of which highlighted that the FOUR men tested, one had fecal matter within his whiskers.
Now, before you rush for the razors, let's be clear that this was not a scientific study like the media would like to suggest. In fact, it was carried out in-house, so the results can't be labeled as official testing results.
But that didn't stop the press, oh no, every social media timeline known to man became infested with 'sh*tty poop beard' stories, which spread like a wildfire. But in truth, no official study was ever conducted. So, calm down everyone, and don't believe everything you read on the internet.
Ok, so TV shows like Sons Of Anarchy might have a lot to answer for on this count, but more often people feel somewhat intimidated by a group of men who so happen to have beards, and label us as some sort of gang, or better still someone once said I was part of a cult. True story Bro.
Now, whilst I understand some folks may feel a little out of their depth when greeted by a bearded fellow or two, but cut us some slack, we're not here to cause you no trouble, quite the opposite!
You may have heard about the bearded Villains, a group of bearded gentlemen who are part of a Brotherhood for good, and break the bad stigma surrounding beards, whilst raising funds for various charities globally within each charters local area.
So, don't be fearful of the bearded man in front of you in the supermarket, as the chances are he's a big softy underneath the beard.
Do you have a significant bearded fellow in your life? Do you worry that he spends more time caring for his face fuzz and fussing over his whiskers than he does you? Then you're not alone.
It shows that most men love taking care of their facial hair, in fact, they pride themselves on a well pruned bearded seal of approval from their good lady.
A compliment coming from a good lady means plenty, making my daily groomsmen routine worth the keep. And do I love my face fur more than my loved ones? close, but not, the family will always come first.
When I first started growing out my facial hair, I was soon labeled as a glorified hipster who was simply following the latest fad, or trend.
I was horrified with the unwanted label, so much so I had to go away and Google search what on earth a hipster was! And here's what Wii says about it -
''noun informal''
a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream.
Now, I can of course only speak for myself, but I do believe I won't be alone on saying that my choice on growing a beard had absolutely nothing to do with wanting to follow the latest trend, in fact, I began growing my facial hair long BEFORE it was considered cool or the in trend to do so.
I find it rather insulting when people slap these labels on a man's choice to grow out. It seems rather narrow-minded, very insulting and rather dated if you ask me.
Do you find yourself fighting for time in front of the mirror when getting ready for a day out?
In our home, we have one small mirror in our bathroom, one of which I mostly hog when it comes to sprucing up my face whiskers, and my fellow bearded friends also share similar stories with me over a beer or two.
But I can also confirm that most bearded men take less time than you might think to get themselves ready, in fact, I don't think I've ever clashed for the time in front of a mirror, ever.
Of course, you'll meet some fellows who love checking themselves out in comparison to another, call him Mr. Vain, but you won't ever have to wrestle the mirror away from me, anyway.
So there we have it, that sees today's beard blog come to a close. Enjoy the rest of your wee and until we meet again. As always please leave us your thoughts in the comments below.
And search for us on social media. You'll find us on Facebook, Instagram and of course Twitter.
And until next time, Beard on Brothers...
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