Author: The Beard Struggle
Published at: Jul 23, 2021
Hello and good day to you all as we welcome you back to the TBS beard blog on this fine and wonderful day.
Now, if you are anything like myself, you'll enjoy some of the finest foods from around the world, but what foods can prove tricky to snap down on when you pack a rather impressive beard?
Let's discuss this in today's blog, which is titled - Beard Vs. Food - What Food You Should Try To Avoid...
I love me some spag bol, it's a rather popular dish in our home, my kids chow down on the stuff, as do me and my gorgeous wife.
But there's a slight problem, whenever I try nom nombing down that spaghetti goodness I usually end up wearing most of its sauce down my beard, like a man-sized baby bib.
Now, in the comfort of my own home, I can get as nasty as I like when eating, but when I'm socializing it can prove tricky to not make a total mess of myself, embarrassing my wife in the process.
Now, there is a cheat or hack to eating this dish, and it involves taking a little more time preparing the food before attempting to put it in your chops.
I've never been too lucky when it comes to eating ice cream, even pre-beard, I would usually end up dropping the damn thing or making a mess someway or another.
Since growing my facial hair it's just added another unjumpable hurdle for me to attempt to maneuver around.
The tricky part is, ice cream (obviously) melts, and quite fast, so when you are enjoying the creamy goodness you are already on a timer to eat it as fast as you can before this happens.
Throw a beard in the mixer and you're almost guaranteed to meet your mayhem. But let's be honest here, this ice cream stuff is far too tasty to avoid, so carry a wet wipe or two would be my suggestion.
I love me a strong hot coffee in the morning, gives me that caffeine hit I so desperately desire after rolling out of bed before the world wakes.
Since forever I've always had a strong flat black coffee to kick start my body engine, but some of those frothy coffees you can pick up at your local coffee shop are simply irresistible!
A frothy flavored coffee latte being my personal favourite, but selecting these can prove tricky to not dunk your mustache in the frothy goodness when drinking.
If you take your 'coffee to go' you'll probably be safe, as they come in those spill proof cups with lids. But if you're drinking yours in the coffee shop you've gotta tas on your hands, and it isn't going to be easy!
I'm a firm believer that we shouldn't totally avoid the foods we enjoy just because we have a beard, but just be more thoughtful of what your are chewing beforehand.
For example, cut your food down into more bite-sized bites rather than taking huge bites from your pizza, plates of pasta and other foods.
Spaghetti bolognese is one of my most enjoyed foods, so I cut the spaghetti into smaller parts, and use a fork and a spoon after cutting it down.
When you're in the comfort of your own home your fridge is your oyster, chow down on whatever you please and get real messy, I mean, why not? This is your castle!
But most of all, enjoy good food, my Brother, it is there for eating after all.
That sees today's blog come to a sweet close for today my friends, as always please take a little time to leave us a comment with your feedback below.
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You'll find us on Facebook, spy us tweeting on Twitter and posting sweet beard memes and giveaways on Instagram.
And until next time, Beard on Brothers...
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