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Author: Beard Muscles

Published at: Jul 18, 2018

Hello, and a warm welcome to all on this fine and marvelous day here at TBS HQ.

As the sun continues to shine brightly in the sky, we hope your beard game is a strong as you blog reading abilities! Thanks for stopping by to read out latest blog content here at The Beard Struggle, we always appreciate your time and company on our site.

We are constantly seeking the world wide web searching for cool, hip and relevant beardy related stories to share with you, our marvelous readers of the blog. And today is of course no different!

Over the years I have been writing your blogs, I've shared some rather surreal content with you all, and today I wanted to reflect on such subjects, and which topics took the internet by storm.

So let us begin today's topic, which is titled Beard Trends That Took The Internet By Storm...


We all lie a cheeky selfie every now and again, some more than most. But do you recall the selfie kneck beard game that went viral on Instagram not even a year ago?

Allow me to refresh your memory. The trick was simple, a bearded man looked up, and whilst doing so snapped a photo of his neck at the correct angle to make it appear as if the photo was taken of a dude with mad crazy hair.

I believe this started as nothing more than a giggle amongst friends, but soon every bearded man and his dog (literally!) wanted to play, and both Snapchat and Instagram saw the huge influx of photos sharing their neckbeard creativity.

I must admit I had a go at this myself, although thankfully I don't believe this image is still circulating the web, it was a fun, yet rather pointless fad to follow.


Oh, the old classic viral beard bashing story ''Your Beard Contains More Poo Particles Than A Toilet Seat Does!''.

My goodness, this story appeared on every social media timeline and was believed to have been shared into staggering numbers around the web.

Our beardless friends loved tagging us in just about every exaggerated story that surfaced following this news, and many folks believed this to be true and loved every darn minute of rubbing our faces in it.

I myself was quick to respond in the form of a blog post right here on 'The Beard Struggle' of which quickly debugged the 'news story' as nothing more than selfish nonsense discovered by a radio station, and little to no scientific study evet took place. The perfect example that you should not trust everything you read on the web.


Being a bald bearded dude, I never really understood the sudden 'beard and man bun' boom that took place earlier this year.

Old school Vikings were admired and considered badass once again, despite their backstory. Men started branching out and spending more time than ever pruning their hair and facial gruff, possibly winning the time spent in front of the mirror again our female counterparts.

Men began growing out long hair, then along came the 'man bun'. Usually a buzz cut on the sides with longer hair growth on the top of the head, which in the manliest way possible turned into a man bun when in a bobble/scrunchy.

To this very day, they still remain relevant as more men now more than ever sport them proudly. Me? I gotta be honest, I just don't get the fascination myself, but to each his own I guess.


Youtube has grown into many folks favourite video streaming platform, mine included.

It has long since evolved from the days of funny cat videos, as their users continue to quadruple over time. You can find just about any hobby or pass time you might have in video form on such platforms, and beards are no exception.

Does anyone recall a father young daughter crying when Daddy shaves off his beard and hides below a towel? Then when the towel gets removed the poor kid doesn't recognize the face hidden below the new clean shave loo and begins to cry.

My heart melts for the little ones as I sympathize with the disapproving tears shown by these kids. It soon seemed to take on as other fathers followed suit and began shaving for upsetting reactions from their children.

The internet became a dark place for a minute for those who admire a good face full of man fur. And this fad longly continues to make the news as more men copy the lead and shave. Why, I'm not entirely sure, as we all now a bearded face is a happy place.

That sees today's blog closed for today my friends, as always we urge you to reach out and get in touch. You can do so via the comments section below, or if you would prefer you can find us on Facebook, Twitter and of course Instagram.

And until next time, Brothers...

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