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Author: Fran O'Reilly

Published at: Nov 13, 2015

Each year many bearded gents (and some beard admiring females) from around America gather to compete in the country's largest beard recognition event, The National Beard And Moustache Championships.

Categories from 'Best sideburns of the show' to 'Best natural full beard' are just some of the acknowledged facial gruff at the event which took place in Brooklyn, New York last weekend. Below are just some of the awesome beards that showcased the event...
Here's my personal favourite! I can only imagine how much time went into this work of art! Meet Eric Brooks, aka Birdcage beard! Outstanding!
Best natural full beard winner Steven Pofelski displays an impressive natural wavy look to his fiery facial forest.
Alfred Nash won best English style moustache with this wider than his shoulders tash! Impressive, chap!
Chris Bate walked away victorious in the freestyle beard category, this must have taken some seriously strong product usage to maintain this sharp, symmetrical look!
Meet Nayland Blake, Confused? Yeah so are we!
Here's Scott Metz who was the overall winner of the show with his full natural red beard and styled moustache. Looks splendid if i do say so myself!
With No Shave November in full swing such events seem rather fitting! Next up? The WORLD National Beard and Moustache championships!
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