Beards. We love them. You love them. Your friends envy them. Your granny secretly loves them! Heck, the entire world loves them! Well, maybe that was a slight exaggeration, I know. But facial hair has only grown (no pun intended!) in popularity throughout the years, and if we're entirely honest, I very much doubt this will change for the foreseeable future, and here's as to why...
From a young age we are taught that shaving is one of the day to day routines we are to abide by moving into adulthood. I can recall my Grandad showing me the ropes as a young teen, and purchasing me my very first professional barbershop style flick razor and moisturizing soap dish. But no matter how many fancy gadgets and gizmos you may buy, let's be honest, shaving everyday sucks. On average it's believed that a man wastes around 140 days of his live shaving. Just imagine all the other cool things that time could be spent upon! That's some serious beard stroking time if you ask me!
When it comes to a face full of fuzz the ladies certainly know how to handle a man and his marvelous beard. Even the small few who wouldn't have beards ticked in their tinder preferences, (if such an option should exist!) they cannot help but take notice of a well groomed beard. My wife was never a huge fan of facial hair in any way, shape or form. That was until I accidentally shaved my beard off (long story, there were tears. Rivers of real man tears!) and her face spoke a thousand words. Beards not only give us an edgy appearance to our look, but they make a great fondle tool whilst smoochin'. And let's be honest, who doesn't love a good fondle every now and again!
Not only do our beards make us look bad ass, but they also act as a shield helping to protect it's wearer from any nasties that might be floating around in the air. There has been numerous scientific studies to back up these claims, but I'll save you the speel and leave out the boring parts. Not only do beards shield you from allergens but they also serve as a great sun blocker as well. When the summer sun beams down on a extra toasty hot day your facial hair helps to block out the harmful sun UV exposure, which can reduce the chances of skin cancer. One study even suggests that bearded men have more tendency to survive longer in comparison to a non-bearded fellow, due to the fact that beards increase a mans immunity to certain viruses and nasty bacterias.
When man first meets beard, the bond shared between the two is like no other. Like a sweet welcoming scent or a love-like fuzzy melody that warms the heart, it is to be treasured. If you're reading this and not sharing the above sentiment, you are either beardless or are yet to experience this bond for yourself. If you keep your face fuzz for long enough your beard will become a huge part of your character. Those who know you will often refer to you as 'the one with the beard' or better still 'the bearded one'. Me, sporting a rather wild ginger beard often get referred to by numerous 'beardy-like' names. Most of which are rather warming, well the ones I hear are at least! Put a bearded man amongst a large crowd and the bearded face will stand out the most 99% of the time. And once that bond has between man and beard has been built, there's very little to nothing that can come between a man and his ever gloriously growing glowing beard.
So, there you have it! another beard blog comes to a fine close for today my friends. As always we would love to read your thoughts and beard related tails! So why not leave us a little something in the comments section you'll find kindly provided below!
And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...