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Author: Fran O'Reilly

Published at: Feb 10, 2017

Choosing to throw away the razor and go full #BeardLife was possibly one of the finer choices you have made. Since giving up on that tedious day to day shaving game has been a choice of mine I have no regret over deciding on all those years ago. But sporting a wild furry face also has it's struggles, and today I wanted to highlight four of those in a little closer detail. So here's 4 Real Life Beard Struggles...


Try as we might, keeping those knots and tangles away from our beard can seem like an impossible task. You can use all the products known to man, and comb through your furry face forest each and every day and you're still highly likely to find the odd troublesome spot every now and again. But how do you fix this? Sadly there isn't a quick fix and the chances of completely shaking the problem are pretty low, if not impossible. You can however minimise these issues by practicing good and consistent beard grooming care. It's about finding what works best for you and your beard, as no two beards are ever the same, then executing the routine daily. Yep, each and every day. So no lazy weekends for you Mister!


One of my absolute banes of beards is beard dandruff. Better known as 'Beard-ruff'. It's ugly, it can form rapidly quick, and it's often a total pain in the backside to shift. What causes beard dandruff? Numerous things really, but rather than try and find the route cause I'd suggest practicing a few simple to follow rules in order to eliminate the 'druff' once and for all. So here it goes... ALWAYS use products that are specifically made for the use of beards. NEVER use over the counter shampoos and conditioners, as they can easily damage the skin which it turn may lead to 'beard-ruff'. ALWAYS hydrate your beard with a good quality beard oil and balm, making sure to apply the product deep down throughout your beard and onto the skin below. NEVER leave your beard to grow as wild as it likes without care. You'll begin to resemble a hobo whilst packing a whole host of beard related issues in next to no time.


A more light hearted beard related issue you might find is when you go to take a bite to eat of your lunchtime subway, or your weekend takeaway meal you'll also be greeted by a mouthful of unwanted mustache and beard hair. When your beard reaches a good length you'll notice beard hairs will fall just about anywhere. This isn't anything to cause any alarm, it's just simply balancing itself in order for new hair follicles to continue to grow. With this, we can often find our hairs in the most irritating of places. My personal least favourite being on my dinner plate, or worst still, in my food as I'm trying to enjoy my food. Just plain nasty if you ask me.


When you first start out growing your beard you might notice your face fluff grows out thin, uneven and rather patchy. More often than not this problem doesn't last and will correct itself given more time to grow and thicken out. The usual patchy areas include the moustache area and the patch directly below the bottom lip. Of course your 'gene pool' plays an important role in your body hairs growth rate, but you can help 'fix up' those patches with a little extra TLC when it comes to beard grooming. Give a little extra helping of our 'TBS' beard oil and balm (explore all products), massaging deep into the skin's tissue. Our beard care range contains certain ingredients that encourage hair growth, so we might just be that final push your furry face could need. Should all else fail always remember that your beard is very unique to you as no two beards are ever the same, so rather than shy away from it, embrace your beard proudly, Brother.

So, there you have it. 4 real life beard struggles that can happen to any of us. But don't let that put you off, only the greatest of us are born to be 'beardiful'. And you my Brother tick all the right boxes. If you have any thoughts, comments or questions you'd like answered in a future blog post then why not leave us a little something in the comments section below?

And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...
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