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Daki Savic
Daki Savic

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I just really love ice cream

Daki Savic

Author: Faiysal Kothiwala

Published at: Dec 10, 2024

Time as an ambassador?

I have been an ambassador with The Beard Struggle since 2017.

Why did you choose TBS?

I chose TBS because of the feeling of being a piece of a bigger family that's growing is important to me, as well as the awesome scents they have.

Favourite TBS products?

Day Liquid Tonic Beard Oil, Heated Beard Straightener, Radiance Beard Wash and Gentlemen's Beard and Mustache Wax.

Favourite TBS scent?

My favourite scents are Viking Storm and Valhalla's Gates.

About Daki

I started my beard story when I moved to Norway for 3 years (8 years ago) to work on the oil rigs in the North Sea and I wanted that rough look. After 6 months I decided to trim the beard and hair and make a beautiful face from it and I was blown away. From that day on my life changed for the better, literally. I started getting all kinds of contracts, work opportunities and my social media grew more and more. I was one of the original bearded models before this whole beard boom around the world started.

From that day forward I have worked with TBS as one of the first ambassadors. I live in Sweden with my girlfriend and my beautiful little daughter, I have 2 big podcasts, my own clothing brand SHURDALIFE, I’m an online coach to some awesome hard working clients, a TV-host, a published model for Burberry and I have done catwalks for Philipp Plein at the Milano Fashion Week and much more. I love meat, ice cream, working out, ice cream, chocolate, barbecue, ice cream, sun, the ocean and did I mention ice cream?